Shotelâ„¢ Ankle Arthrodesis Nail System
The System

Curved Nail
The solid titanium IM fusion nail is available in a 9mm diameter in two configurations; left and right. The fusion nail can accommodate up to six bone screws. The four proximal cross-locking holes provide the surgeon with either a static or dynamic cross-locking hole in alternating 90-degree orientations.

The 5mm self-tapping titanium bone screws are fully threaded and can be used to provide static or dynamic cross-locking through the provided nail holes. The bone screws are available in various lengths from 20–80mm in 2mm increments.

Targeting Guide
A carbon fiber drill guide features a compression sleeve and nut that allow the surgeon to apply compression across the joint line while securing the nail with the cross-locking screws.
Minimally Invasive
Unlike TTC (Tibiotalocalcaneal) Nails that enter through the plantar aspect of the calcaneus, the unique curved design of the Shotel Nail allows an approach through the medial side of the talus and is designed to achieve fusion at the tibiotalar joint while allowing unrestricted motion to remain at all other joints.

The Shotel Nail is a load-sharing intramedullary device. This gives surgeons the confidence to ambulate patients quicker, allowing faster return to work and activities.
Precision Targeting
The drill guide and sleeves allow for the precise targeting and placement of locking screws.

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